I offer both personal and team-based coaching.

Individual Coaching
My personalized mental training is tailored to strengthen your mindset. Learn techniques to maintain focus, handle pressure, and enhance performance through mental fortitude.

Team Coaching
My approach to team coaching in mental training is designed to be universally applicable across various team environments.

While working with the team as a whole, I emphasize individual growth, helping each member to harness and maximize their potential, manage personal stress, sharpen concentration, and develop strategies for peak performance under pressure.

The aim is to ensure every team member excels both in unity and individually, fostering a cohesive and high-performing team dynamic.


90 minutes coaching 

If you're facing a performance challenge or need immediate assistance to overcome a hurdle, booking a 90-minute coaching session could be the solution you're looking for.

This focused session is designed to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to perform at your best, whether you're preparing for a big event or tackling a personal obstacle.



Benedicte's coaching transformed my approach to sim racing. By optimizing my training regimen and addressing my performance anxiety, I achieved significant improvements in both my driving technique and mental resilience. I felt more confident, focused, and in control during races, resulting in tangible progress and a newfound sense of calm on the track.

Highly recommended for anyone looking to elevate their game!

Carl Fredrik Hersoug
Sim racer and racingdriver

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After our session, I've gained clarity on the importance of self-belief in racing and beyond. Now, I approach each race with confidence and focus, knowing I belong among the best.

Simen-André Livingston
Sim racer

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Your guidance has been invaluable! I've struggled in qualifying but your coaching has helped me refocus during races and reset my mindset when faced with challenges. I wouldn't have made the progress I have without your help!

Anders Myhre
Sim racer, Norwegian champion 2023

Ready to elevate your game? 

Connect with me! Let's explore how we can achieve greatness together. Click below to get in touch!